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DPJ the Global Warming Countermeasures Headquarters

An Overview of the Global Warming Countermeasures Basic Bill
June 2008

1. Purpose

In recognition of the importance to prevent global warming by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at levels where human interference does not pose a danger to climate systems, the purpose of this Law is to promote global warming countermeasures by setting medium and long term targets from an international cooperative standpoint.
Furthermore, by taking measures to introduce a domestic emissions trading system and a global warming tax to promote the utilization of renewable energies, thereby contributing to environmentally sustainable economic growth and the conservation of the global environment and ecosystem

2. Outline

(1) Fundamental Principles
- Building a low carbon society through lifestyle changes
- Actively contributing to the international society
- Maintaining energy security
- Promoting technological development
(2) Medium and Long Term Goals
The Japanese government shall:
- Reduce Japan窶冱 greenhouse gas emissions by more than 25% below the 1990 levels by 2020,
- Aim to reduce over 60% below 1990 levels by the earliest possible date, before 2050; and
- Increase the share of renewable energies to 10% of the total primary energy supply by 2020
(3) Basic Policies
- Establishing the domestic emissions trading system (2010)
- Adopting the global warming tax
- Promoting renewable energy use
- Promoting innovative technology development
- Promoting energy conservation
- Disclosing greenhouse gas emissions data
- Controlling the use of CFC窶冱
- Enhancing greenhouse gas absorption by forests and plants
- Promoting international collaboration
- Promoting education and learning
- Conducting research and observation
- Reflecting public opinion on policy making process
- Establishing a Committee on Global Warming Prevention

3. Supplementary Provision

The effectiveness of the 窶?ectoral approach窶 shall be examined from a national and international point of view, and necessary measures shall be taken

*This is an unofficial translation.Only the Japanese text of the bill have effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of the bill.

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