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Manifesto The Democratic Party of Japan's Platform for Government

Our Seven Proposals
The Democratic Party of Japan窶冱 窶徘roper politics窶 will start from the rebuilding of trust between the people and politicians. Our goal is to build a society of coexistence where all kinds of people can support each other and to create a Japan that does its utmost for the global community. Our Seven Proposals are specific measures to achieve that.

Proposal 1: Protect jobs and rectify income disparities.
  • We will implement fiscal and financial measures related to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) totalling 210 billion yen. Minimum wage levels will be increased over a target period of three years, culminating with a national average minimum wage of 1,000 yen per hour.
  • Part-time and contract employees will be given equal treatment to full-time employees.
  • We will support the employment of permanent part-timers and NEET (young people Not in Education, Employment or Training) by introducing individual employment counsellors and work support allowances.
  • We will reduce the burden on seniors by calling a halt to both the reduction of the deduction for public pensions and the abolishment of the exemption for the elderly, which are causing the rapid increase in the tax and premium burden on this segment of the population.
Proposal 2: Rectify the shortage of doctors and create healthcare that inspires peace of mind.
  • We will resolve the shortage of doctors by formulating an emergency action plan to ensure the appropriate posting of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. In particular, the shortage of obstetricians and pediatricians will be rectified as soon as possible.
  • By establishing workplace nurseries and by supporting training for returning doctors and nurses, we will endeavour to create an environment where female doctors and nurses will be able to keep working and to return to work.
  • We will create a framework that ensures that the best possible cancer treatment and the latest information on cancer are available anywhere in the country.
Proposal 3: Eliminate all administrative waste.
  • We will completely ban government facilitation of amakudari (golden parachuting) and thoroughly eradicate waste of taxpayers窶 money, including public officials窶 involvement in bid rigging.
  • Special public corporations, independent administrative institutions, and the special accounts that pertain to these will be abolished in principle.
  • By promoting decentralization, we will reduce total personnel expenses for national civil servants by 20 percent.
  • We will decrease the number of Diet members by 10 percent.
  • We will promote the transparency of political funds by requiring the attachment and disclosure of receipts for expenditures exceeding 10,000 yen made by all political organizations.
Proposal 4: Create a decentralized nation where regional affairs are decided by the regions.
  • We will achieve true decentralization by radically reforming the division of roles between the national and local governments and creating a framework for entrusting all affairs that can be decided by the regions to the regions.
  • All subsidies will be abolished, and funds will be disbursed in a lump sum as discretionary revenues which each local government can use freely.
  • Regarding matters closely related to residents窶 lives, the national government will stop setting detailed expense categories by cabinet or ministerial order and have the local governments decide them by local government ordinance so that administration that is tailored to the needs of local communities can be provided.
Proposal 5: Reinvigorate the Japanese economy by revitalizing SMEs.
  • We will create an 窶彜ME Charter窶 and go beyond the segmented administration of the central government agencies to establish a framework where the government support SMEs cohesively.
  • We will support the R&D activities of local SMEs and the use of local resources through tax and other measures.
  • We will ban by law the forcing of SMEs to engage in unfair, low-priced transactions and tie-in sales.
  • Personal guarantees of loans will be abolished in lending by government-related financial institutions to SMEs.
  • The SME-related budget will be substantially increased with the expansion of R&D support among others, and we will revise taxation on the continuation of bequeathed businesses and taxation on executive compensations at corporations that are in essence single-person companies.
Proposal 6: Lead the world in global environmental protection.
  • By 2050, we aim to halve Japan窶冱 greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. To achieve this, we will establish a domestic emissions trading rights market, vigorously implement energy saving, and promote environmental education.
  • We will promote the use of renewable energy, such as wind power, solar power, and biomass, and increase the share of these renewable energy sources to 10 percent of total primary energy supply by 2020.
  • We will promote the participation of the United States, China, India, and other countries in the new international framework to prevent global warming.
Proposal 7: Build proactive foreign relations.
  • A strong and equal Japan-U.S. relationship based on mutual trust will be built as the foundation of Japan窶冱 foreign relations.
  • Japan will immediately end the dispatch of Self-Defense Forces to Iraq.
  • To build world peace initiated by the United Nations, Japan will actively participate in UN peace operations and play a leading role in the reform of the UN.
  • We will make the utmost effort to develop relations of mutual trust with China, South Korea, and other Asian countries.

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