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Manifesto The Democratic Party of Japan's Platform for Government

Manifesto: Detailed Policies

In order that everyone can experience in their daily lives the politics and administrative services of 窶弃utting People窶冱 Lives First窶? the DPJ will first steadily and speedily implement 50 main policies. The detailed policies contained in this manifesto will eradicate waste of taxpayers窶 money and are a detailed prescription that opens the way to the Japan of tomorrow.

1. Living (Social Security, Work, Childrearing, Education)

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Fundamental pension reform 窶 Compensation for vanishing pensions
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Resolution of shortages of pediatricians, obstetricians and other medical professionals
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Stepping up the fight against cancer
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Investigation of medical accidents and prevention of recurrence
5.ツ?ツ?ツ? Upgrading the framework for long-term care services
6.ツ?ツ?ツ? Fundamental reform of self-support systems for persons with disabilities
7.ツ?ツ?ツ? Support for atomic bomb survivors
8.ツ?ツ?ツ? Tax system revision to rectify disparities
9.ツ?ツ?ツ? Reforming 窶忤ay of work窶 through equal treatment and work-life balance
10.ツ? Significant increase in minimum wages
11.ツ? Employment and career support for younger generations
12.ツ? 窶廚hild allowance窶 of 26,000 yen per month, and childbirth subvention payments
13.ツ? Improving the educational capacities of schools
14.ツ? Free high-school and higher education
15.ツ? Establishment of scholarship system covering all applicants, including living expenses

2. Food and Agricultural Policies

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Ensuring food safety and security
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Ensuring the supply of domestic agricultural products through income support for all commercial farm households
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Revitalization plan for forestry and lumber industries
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Promoting fisheries industry with emphasis on resource management

3. Economy and SMEs

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? SME Charter 窶 Preventing the bullying of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises, and tripling SME-related budget
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Building a country conducive to entrepreneurship
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Revitalization of city centres and shopping arcades
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Elimination of highway tolls
5.ツ?ツ?ツ? Tourism policies founded on local revitalization
6.ツ?ツ?ツ? Establishment of 窶廡inancial Products Supervisory Agency窶 (Japanese version of FSA)
7.ツ?ツ?ツ? Reinforcement of corporate governance

4. Environment

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Promoting the Democratic Party of Japan窶冱 窶彜trategy for Stopping Global Warming窶?br /> 2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Establishment of 窶廝asic Law for Relief of Victims of Environmental Diseases窶?br /> 3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Preservation of biodiversity
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Acquisition of secure energy supplies

5. Safety and Security

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Upgrading consumer administration and policies, including disclosure of risk information
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Ensuring the safety of transportation and homes
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Rapid response to natural disasters
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Ensuring public safety and crime prevention, and promoting comprehensive measures for prevention of crimes involving guns
5.ツ?ツ?ツ? Preventing false charges through video recording of interrogations
6.ツ?ツ?ツ? Establishment of 窶廩uman Rights Violations Relief Agency窶?br /> 7.ツ?ツ?ツ? Opposing the introduction of the crime of conspiracy

6. Foreign Relations and Defense

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Immediate withdrawal of Self-Defense Forces from Iraq
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Lack of public engagement in the realignment of U.S. military presence in Japan
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Proactive diplomacy toward North Korea
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Japan as a member of Asia

7. Government and the Bureaucracy

1.ツ?ツ?ツ? Promoting fiscal structural reforms
2.ツ?ツ?ツ? Elimination of 窶彗makudari,窶 and elimination of public officials involvement in bid rigging
3.ツ?ツ?ツ? Reform of special public corporations and independent administrative institutions
4.ツ?ツ?ツ? Fairness in government contracts (Bill Concerning Transparency in Discretionary Contracts)
5.ツ?ツ?ツ? Fundamental reform of civil service systems
6.ツ?ツ?ツ? Abolition of state subsidies to local government, and promotion of decentralization
7.ツ?ツ?ツ? Revitalization and strengthening of communities, and support for NPO activities
8.ツ?ツ?ツ? Promoting political reform, including transparency of office expenses
9.ツ?ツ?ツ? Reducing the number of Diet members by more than 10 percent

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