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The Democratic Party of Japan's Platform for Government: Manifesto 2012

Regarding "The Democratic Party of Japan's Manifesto 2012"

"The Democratic Party of Japan's Manifesto 2012" was announced by DPJ President Yoshihiko Noda on November 27, and is a policy document detailing the policies aimed for by the DPJ.

Noda unveils 2012 DPJ Manifesto for forthcoming election

Manifesto 2012

Everything Must Start with Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Revitalization of Fukushima

Five Priority Policies of the Democratic Party of Japan

  1. Social Security
  2. Creating a society where people live and thrive together.
    Creating a society where people help each other and a society that provides all with a place to belong and a way to contribute.

  3. Economy
  4. Raising Japan's competitiveness by focusing on people and communities.
    Prioritizing employment creation in economic policies with the aim of generating more than 4 million jobs by 2020.

  5. Energy
  6. Regenerating Japan by eliminating nuclear power.
    Taking bold action toward the Green Energy Revolution that will create new local industries and local employment opportunities.

  7. Foreign Relations and National Security
  8. Pursuing realistic diplomatic and defense policies as a nation committed to peace.
    Deepening the Japan-US Alliance and pursuing coexistence with Asia by combining cool-headed diplomacy and responsible defense.

  9. Political Reform
  10. Restoring public trust in politics by starting with selfless reforms.
    Creating a new political culture by bidding farewell to hereditary politics and by reducing the number of seats in the Diet.

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