What possible reason is there for holding a general election at this time?
After two years of the Abe administration's economic policies, people's lives have only deteriorated, while disparities have widened and been set in stone.
We can see that the current administration has resorted to political strong-arming at every turn: over The Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets, the right of collective self-defense, and the resumption of nuclear power generation.
These actions have cast a dark shadow over the minds and hearts of the Japanese people.
That is why we are saying, "Now is the time to change the tide."
In the past, active consumption by an ample middle class stimulated the Japanese economy, and this brought stability to our society. Abenomics has been forced on the people with the refrain, "There is no other road we can follow." Now is the time to bid farewell to Abenomics and to adopt economic policies that raise the standard of living by stabilizing employment, providing childrearing support, and guaranteeing security in old age. In this Manifesto, we have outlined the three pillars of the Democratic Party of Japan's economic policy aimed at strengthening and enriching the middle class.
The presence of a robust opposition is inextricably linked to the thorough information disclosure, full discussion, and politics that reflects the will of the people, all concepts which are the foundation of democracy.
We must maintain a political process characterized by a sound degree of tension and the availability of a wide range of options.
We will create a society in which diversity is respected, one where each individual has a place and a role to play.
We will promote the development of diverse and vibrant local communities by stemming the tide of overconcentration of power and transferring necessary powers and fiscal resources to the regions.
This Manifesto we present to the people is subject to constant review and will continue to evolve as we endeavor to keep closely in step with the people.
We are firmly committed to "correcting the trajectory of the nation" by viewing issues from the standpoint of the people, taxpayers, consumers, and workers in determining our political decisions and actions.
"Now is the time to change the tide!"
Banri Kaieda
The Democratic Party of Japan