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18 July 2002
The DPJ Next Cabinet
縲蝕ssues on the Emergency Situation Bills are approved.縲?br />
On July 18, the order of disputed points entitled "Issues on Emergency Situation Bills" reported by Eisei Ito, DPJ Next Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Security and the final response to the bill during the current Diet session were approved.
Ito explained that having been aware of the need to prepare legislation on preparedness for urgent situations since the party establishment, the DPJ was seriously engaged in the discussion of the government-proposed bills on emergency situations. However, in the present terrible state of affairs at the Defense Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the dishonest and inadequate attitude of the government and the ruling coalition towards discussion, these bills must be resubmitted.
The order of disputed issues consists of the ten topics presented below:
(1) The definition of military attack and identification of provisions are inadequate.
(2) The approval of the Diet and the state of civilian control are irrelevant.
(3) The provisions on the security of freedom of speech and other basic human rights are ambiguous.
(4) Measures to secure citizens safety: shelters, warning, medical treatment, rescue as well as measures to minimize the damage have been delayed.
(5) Lack of provisions of information channels to citizens.
(6) Provisions with regard to citizens' complaints about damage and relief procedure on compensation and reparation are insufficient. 縲?
(7) The roles, rights and contents of the local administrations and assigned institutions are unclear.
(8) The basic policy of the relationship with the US armed forces is unclear.
(9) The relationship between the "use of force according to Article 88 of the Self Defense Forces Law" and "the activities of the Self Defense Forces according to the present bill " are unclear.
(10) Doubts that the mechanisms planned in the bills are fast and adequate.

縲慎en suggestions on nursing care insurance have been approved縲?br />
On July 18, the report by Yamanoi Kazunori, head of the DPJ Working Team on Nursing Care Insurance on "10 Suggestions on Nursing Care Insurance" has been approved. The suggestions are summarized below:
(1) Create an excellent environment for nursing care
- to use favored habitation when needed -
(2) Incentive to upgrade the service
- insurers to be responsible for the quality of service -
(3) Promotion of high quality group homes
- sufficient nightshifts and medical back up -
(4) Improve nursing workers' labor conditions
- abolish the name "registered helper" -
(5) Raise the limit of payment for home nursing
- maximize the amount of nursing facilities -
(6) Full training and support of care manager
-improve service at home-
(7) Conduct the minimum required medical care
- expansion of nursing staff services
(8) Measures on insurance premium and users payment for low-income patients
- arrange system for low-income patients to use with ease-
(9) Tax-free nursing services provided by NPOs
- arrange mechanism for NPO to operate-
(10) Revision of remuneration for nursing service to improve quality
- to decrease social hospitalization-
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