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31 October 2002
Thoughts on Issues Involving North Korea at the Time of Resumption of Normalization Talks
1. Resumption of Diplomatic Normalization Talks

Japan should negotiate resolutely, at its own pace and initiative, on normalizing diplomatic relations with North Korea. Clarification/resolution of existing issues, including the abduction and nuclear development issues, should be its top priority, based on the rights and safety of its citizens, and its national sovereignty, interests and security. Given as well the broader implications for peace and stability in Asia and globally, Japan should, in this, maintain close coordination with the United States and South Korea, but also with China, Russia and the EU, toward understanding and anticipating North Korea's positions.

(1) Abductions
In order to carry out a further, thorough investigation toward complete resolution of the abduction issue, Japan should insist that North Korea cooperate totally so that the truth can be ascertained promptly.
Japan should insist that North Korea admit that the abductions were a crime by North Korea, undertaken on the initiative of its top leadership.
Japan should insist that North Korea take concrete, sincere action toward complete resolution - including a formal written apology for the abductions, compensation for the abductees and their families, complete freedom for all abductees and permanent repatriation with their families, punishment of those involved in the abductions, prevention of reoccurrence, clarification of facts in other alleged abduction cases in addition to those already recognized, and free visits between the two countries following restoration of the original situation.
North Korea having admitted the abductions, Japan should appeal to the international community through the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and seek a U.N. resolution supporting its position.
The government should be ready to do it utmost to assist returning abductees with their lives in Japan.

(2) Nuclear Development
Weapons-oriented nuclear development by North Korea is a clear violation of the terms of the agreed framework between the United States and North Korea, which serves as the basis for KEDO (Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization); of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and other international agreements; and of the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration, which commits North Korea to observing all related international agreements. It was a diplomatic error for Japan to have signed the Pyongyang Declaration despite its having received information from the United States on weapons-oriented nuclear development by North Korea prior to the meeting.
We strongly protest the acts of North Korea as constituting serious problems related to Japan's sovereignty and security. North Korea should immediately abandon its weapons-oriented nuclear development, accept strict inspections, and show through concrete actions its intention to honor its international commitments.
The premises for KEDO having been negated, freezing the project should be kept as an option, and Japan should closely cooperate with the United States and South Korea - seeking also the cooperation of Russia, China and the EU - to cause North Korea to immediately give up its weapons-oriented nuclear development.
On North Korea's development of weapons of mass destruction, the government should appeal to the international community to have the issue taken up by the United Nations, including adoption of a Security Council resolution.

(3) Security Issues, including Missiles and Armed Spy Ships
he government should demand that North Korea take concrete action to ensure extension of the moratorium on development, deployment and export of missiles stated in the Pyongyang Declaration.
The government should demand that North Korea take sincere, specific action, including clarifying the facts as soon as possible, punishing those involved, paying compensation for damage, and preventing reoccurrence, in regard to incidents involving armed spy ships, espionage agents in Japan, and illegal trafficking in stimulants.

(4) Historical Issues
The government should clarify historical facts and pursue the resolution of historical issues arising out of the past period of colonization, referring to the previous Japan-China and Japan-South Korea normalizations and developments thereafter.

(5) Important Issues between Japan and North Korea
On the matters of home-comings/free visits of Japanese wives in North Korea, transfer of the Yodo-go hijackers back to Japan, Japan-North Korea trade debts, and the legal status of Koreans living in Japan, the facts should be ascertained once again and concrete solutions should be sought.

2. Other Important Issues

Dialogue and negotiations on issues of, for example, the Chogin Credit Union and refugees from North Korea, should be carried out among the two governments, the Red Cross and related organizations, with the aim of resolving them fully.

(1) Chogin Credit Union Issue
It should first be determined if there was organizational involvement on the part of the Chogin Credit Union and the League of Koreans in Japan, and, if so, those who were involved should be punished severely for their unlawful acts and illegal transfers of money. Whether public funds should be invested or not should also be reviewed, and, if so, how and to what extent.

(2) Refugees from North Korea
In order to deal humanely with the issue of refugees from North Korea, an orderly legal mechanism supporting their arrival in Japan should be worked out.
Through linkages with the United States and South Korea, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and various NGO's - and, in addition, approaching China and Russia for their cooperation as well - Japan should work out international support and relief measures, including establishment of refugee camps.

3. Cooperation with Other Countries and International Organizations

Issues common to South Korea and Japan, including separated families in South Korea, abductions of South Koreans, refugees from North Korea, and negotiations on reducing conventional weapons, should be discussed.
The government should ask other concerned countries for their understanding and cooperation in inducing North Korea to democratize and to find solutions to various pending matters.
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