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Global Warning Countermeasures Headquarters Exchanges Opinions with the Japan Business Federation and The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan

On the evening of February 21, the Global Warming Countermeasures Headquarters (Chair: DPJ Vice President Katsuya Okada), met at party headquarters with officials from Nippon Keidanran (Japan Business Federation) and the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC) to hear their presentations and exchanged opinions on measures to combat global warming and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

At the start of the meeting, Acting President Kan Naoto (Countermeasures Headquarters Adviser) said that "we set up a Strategy Headquarters on this issue in the belief that it is a major threat on a par with nuclear weapons and terrorism. We hope this will be a meaningful meeting and would like to hear your frank opinions."

Nippon Keidanren told the strategy headquarters that they had established the Global Environmental Charter in 1991 to reflect the importance of achieving both environmental preservation and economic growth. They also explained the desire to spread Japanese energy-conserving and low-carbon technology to other countries in the belief that all nations should participate in anti-global warming efforts. Nippon Keidanren presented with concrete examples of measures to combat global warming in the steel-making industry.

The FEPC reported on demand-side initiatives to improve efficiency and release less carbon dioxide, such as energy-efficient water heaters and electric vehicles, in addition to technological developments on the supply-side.

Participating DPJ members agreed on the importance of having all countries participate in measures to combat global warming and thanked both organizations for their informative and concise presentations. Some members called for precautions to ensure that emissions trading is not used the speculative purposes while other members said they would also like to see information on international coordination in the fight against global warming in industries other than the steel industry.

Nippon Keidanren agreed that speculative emissions trading risked preventing carbon dioxide emissions reductions.


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