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Global Warming Countermeasures Headquarters Views Harumi Island District

The DPJ's Global Warming Countermeasures Headquarters (Director Katsuya Okada) on March 13 viewed heat supply systems in Tokyo's Harumi Island District and also test drove electric cars.

At the start of the tour, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) explained the energy conservation benefits of heat pump technology, a technology in which Japan is the world leader.ツ? TEPCO also explained the energy conservation benefits achieved using the technology in Tokyo's Harumi Island District. The DPJ group then observed high-performance air-conditioning systems that make use of heat pumps that incorporate water tanks. The group asked questions about the heat exchange process and the actual water temperature.

The group then test drove electric cars, and asked questions about the running costs of electric cars, the battery charging process and infrastructure provision. Although it is still difficult for drivers of electric cars to recover the additional cost of the vehicle, the Global Warming Strategy Headquarters agreed to continue assessing how to promote the adoption of the vehicles due to their superior environmental performance.


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