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DPJ Establishes New Countermeasures Headquarters for the Myanmar Cyclone and Sichuan, China Earthquake

On May 15, the Democratic Party of Japan established a new Countermeasures Headquarters to coordinate its efforts to provide relief for victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and the major earthquake in Sichuan, China.

In the coming days, members of the DPJ plan to visit the embassies of both Myammar and China in order to offer condolences and present donations from DPJ members and from the party itself. DPJ also intends to hold fundraising activities at the DPJ headquarters and also at the prefectural chapters. Finally, in consultation with various NGOs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DPJ will provide assistance as dictated by needs on the ground.

List of Countermeasures Headquarters

Chair: Katsuya Okada (Vice President)
Acting Chair: Yoshio Hachiro (Next Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Deputy Chairs:
ツ?ツ? Kenji Hirata (Secretary General of DPJ House of Councillors Caucus)
ツ?ツ? Hirofumi Hirano (Deputy Secretary General)
ツ?ツ? Tetsundo Iwakuni (Director-General of International Department)
ツ?ツ? Tetsuro Fukuyama縲?(Chair, DPJ House of Councillors Policy Research Committee)
Secretary General: Sakihito Ozawa (Chair, National Rallying and Canvassing Committee)
Deputy Secretaries-General:
ツ?ツ? Satoshi Takayama (Deputy Chair, National Rallying & Canvassing Committee)
ツ?ツ? Chinami Nishimura (Next Vice Minister of State for Children/Gender Equality)

DPJ will be accepting donations to the account below until June 15.

繝サPost Office Money Transfer
"DPJ donations account" 縲?00110-6-65328

繝サBank transfer
"DPJ donations account"ツ?ツ? Risona Bank, House of Representatives Branch
Branch No.328, Standard account number 7815354


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