DPJ Supreme Adviser Tsutomu Hata and Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama met
with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in a hotel in Tokyo on
July 1. Also in attendance were Tetsundo Iwakuni, Director-General of the
DPJ's International Department, Tenzo Okumura, Head of the Executive Office
and Yukihisa Fujita, Vice Director-General of the International Department.
At the start of the meeting, Supreme Adviser Hata welcomed
Secretary-General Ban and asked him about his visit to the Koryu-ji temple
in Kyoto earlier in his current visit to Japan. Secretary-General Ban said, "The name of Hata - no - Kawakatsu, who founded the Koryu-ji, reminded me
of former Prime Minister Hata". He then referred to the long history of
exchanges between Japan and South Korea.
Hatoyama paid tribute to Secretary-General Ban's initiatives to tackle
worldwide water problems. He then pointed out that, on the issue of
greenhouse gas emissions reductions, the DPJ had proposed a reduction of
25% by 2020 but that in contrast Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's
Administration had not put forward any concrete figures. Hatoyama stressed
that the government should do so before the upcoming G8 Hokkaido Toyako
Summit. Secretary General Ban responded by saying that long-term goals must
be supported by concrete intermediate goals, and that he hoped that the
Japanese government would announce intermediate term emissions reduction
targets. In addition, he expressed his expectations for Japan's political
leadership at the G8 Summit, and stated that he would personally work to
influence international leaders.
Iwakuni commended Secretary-General Ban for admonishing Zimbabwe over its
presidential runoff election when he spoke in Tokyo on the previous day,
saying that it was important for democracies to hold fair elections. He
then noted his expectations of further UN action towards the achievement of
democratisation in Zimbabwe and Myanmar. In response, Secretary General Ban
said that he was currently working on the issue of Zimbabwe in cooperation
with African leaders, and that he would do his best to achieve positive outcomes.