On the afternoon of July 3, the DPJ's Global Warming Countermeasures
Headquarters (Chair: Vice President Katsuya Okada) heard separate
presentations from officials from the Agency for Natural Resources and
Energy, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry
of the Environment (MOE) within the Diet on the following subjects:
(1) the emergency proposal 'new policy directions for renewable energy'
made by the renewable energy subcommittee of the general resource and
energy research committee (METI)
(2) the intermediate report published by the research committee into
economic methods of combating global warming (METI)
(3) the Ministry of the Environment's Proposal for a trial implementation
of an integrated domestic market for emissions trading.
In addition, Countermeasures Headquarters members also asked officials from
METI and MOE if it will be possible for the two ministries to coordinate
their differing views before the trial implementation of a domestic CO2
emissions trading market from this fall. Both ministries explained that the
Prime Ministers' office will establish an investigative team and mediate
between the two ministries and that based on instructions from the Prime
Minister they will work to achieve coordinated and cooperative action. DPJ
members proposed that the emissions trading scheme should cover not only
corporations but should also cover CO2縲?absorbed by forests and that
therefore the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries should be
included in future discussions.