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Striving to make 2009 a historical year: Party Convention Brings Party Together Towards a Change in Government

The 2009 Annual Party Convention was held in Tokyo on the afternoon of January 18, where the ambition of effecting a change in government and establishing a new administration based on the will of the people, a regime for the people, was unified across the party. The convention was brimming with enthusiasm for establishing a DPJ government this year.

Social Democratic Party leader Mizuho Fukushima, Tamisuke Watanuki of the People’s New Party, Yasuo Tanaka of New Party Nippon, Nippon Keidanren Political Affairs Committee Chairman Mitsuo Ohashi and JTUC-Rengo Deputy President Kenji Okabe were invited as guests to the convention, where they expressed their hopes for a change in government and their expectations for the DPJ.

President Ichiro Ozawa greeted the guests and thanked them, saying, “The single role of government is to protect the people’s lives and their livelihoods only.” He made a call to realize “a government of the people, by the people, for the people,” “a humane economy” and “a society for citizens.” In addition, he declared his strong resolution to take power for these purposes and to implement a New Deal for the environment, safety and security.

Next, Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama proposed the 2009 party agendas, which were affirmed by a full round of applause. Hatoyama laid out three objectives: 1) continue driving the Aso administration into the corner through Diet debate, 2) score a victory in the general election and achieve a change in government, and 3) take control of the government and implement policies one by one.

In addition, the proposal entitled “A Call for Emergency Employment Measures” (refer to the article in Japanese downloadable from the link below) presented by Acting President Naoto Kan, as Director of the Emergency Employment Countermeasures Headquarters, was unanimously adopted. The appeal states, “The LDP-Komeito government does not have the ability to overcome the unprecedented economic crisis. Now is the time for a change in government and to make a dignified society where people can work in a humane manner.”

Lastly, Acting President Azuma Koshiishi brought the convention to a close by leading everyone with the call of “Unite for a Change in Government.”

House of Councillors members Saori Yoshikawa and Koji Hirayama served as convention emcees.

A Call for Emergency Employment Measures (Draft)

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