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Provisional Translation

June 4, 2010

Toward a Government that Walks Together with the People
(Platform for the Election for DPJ President)

Naoto Kan
Member of the House of Representatives

Prime Minister Hatoyama has taken the decisive step of announcing his resignation. The administration and the Democratic Party of Japan have received many harsh comments from the Japanese people on the subjects of Futenma and 窶徘olitics and money窶? I feel this responsibility keenly, both as Deputy Prime Minister and as a DPJ Diet member, and would like to express my sincere apologies to the people. The Prime Minister窶冱 resignation is an attempt to break free from this situation, and restore a 窶徃overnment that can be trusted by the people窶? and I would like to respond to these sentiments by devoting myself to working on behalf of the people. In order to achieve this, I will first lead the party in the fight toward ultimate victory in the House of Councillors election.

In order to restore the trust of the people, I will first of all take a tough stance regarding 窶徘olitics and money窶? and pursue clean governance as the main precondition for policy implementation. Furthermore, in order to ensure that the voice of the electorate is fully reflected, I will go on to create a free and open atmosphere within the DPJ in order to enable an even greater variety of voices from the party to be included in the policy-making process.

The following is an explanation of my basic philosophy, as a candidate for the post of party President, regarding the administration of the government and of the party.

1.  In order to realize the policies of 窶弃utting People窶冱 Lives First窶?/h2>
  • (1) Sweeping Away Waste and Eliminating Collusion between Politicians, Bureaucrats and Business

    My first priority will be to engage in sweeping away waste, something we also promised in our Manifesto. The budget review and other measures are the first step in this direction, but I will embark boldly on the main core of this process, reducing personnel costs for civil servants employed by central government, and carrying out a zero-based review of special accounts. We have already started to eliminate collusion between politicians, bureaucrats and business, by prohibiting amakudari (golden parachuting) and other measures, but I will implement even more thorough reforms. I will also realize a ban on political donations by corporations and other organizations.

  • (2) A Strong Economy, Strong Public Finances, and Strong Social Security

    One of the greatest problems that we currently face is the rejuvenation and growth of the Japanese economy. I will endeavour to free Japan from the clutches of deflation by the implementation of comprehensive policies by the government and the Bank of Japan. Then I will shift to implement the 窶廸ew Growth Strategy窶 which I was involved in drafting while serving as Minister of State for National Policy, and realize a 窶徭trong economy窶? Enhancing pensions, health care, nursing care, childrearing and employment policy, in other words a 窶徭trong social security窶? in order to eliminate the Japanese people窶冱 uncertainty, will also create new employment and new consumption and lead to economic growth. Moreover, the creation of sustainable 窶徭trong public finances窶 is a huge issue. As well as continuing to move forward with reforming public spending through elimination of waste and the like, I will seriously consider revenue reform, including fundamental reform of the tax system, and will present such reforms honestly to the people. In order to break free of the stagnation of the last two decades, I will realize a unified 窶徭trong economy窶? 窶徭trong public finances窶 and 窶徭trong social security窶?

  • (3) Realization of Regional Sovereignty and a 窶廸ew Concept of Public Service窶?/h3>

    I will fundamentally transform the vertical master-servant relationship between central government and the regions into a new relationship of partners who can engage in dialogue on an equal footing, and create a society focused on regional sovereignty in which citizens can think for themselves about the state of the region in which they live, and can make decisions and take actions proactively.

    I will rejuvenate the traditional Japanese social framework in which people support each other warmly and invigorate their region and society as a whole. I will aim for a warmhearted and flexible society that restores the ties between people and the regions, based on the 窶從ew concept of public service窶 introduced by Prime Minister Hatoyama, which is voluntary community forum created by participants, including those from the public sector, private sector and individual citizens, who have put aside their differing stances to participate.

  • (4) Promoting a Strong and Determined Foreign and Security Policy

    The cornerstone of Japan窶冱 foreign policy is the relationship between Japan and the United States. I will promote a foreign policy which establishes a firm relationship of trust with the United States, while at the same time creating firm relationships of trust with Asian nations that are currently experiencing rapid growth. In order to respond to the situation in East Asian, which still cannot be described as stable, I will establish a security policy which protects the lives and safety of the Japanese people, including through cooperation with the United States. With regard to the issue of Futenma, which Prime Minister Hatoyama has been tackling, I will continue to make patient and determined efforts toward reducing the burden on Okinawa, while bearing in mind to agreement between Japan and the United States. I will also make every effort to resolve the issue of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea.

2.  In Order to Revitalize the Atmosphere within the DPJ

  • (1) An Organization which Enables Participation by All and Uses Talented Human Resources to the Full

    The DPJ is blessed with a multitude of exceptional human resources from various generations, ranging from veterans with a wealth of human experience to mature members rich in experience and in the prime of their working life, and active and talented young Diet members. I will create a party organization which enables everyone to participate and uses the abilities of each of these age-groups to the full. On this occasion, I would like to create an organization that will provide opportunities for the many Diet members who have engaged in day to day activities in fields which are unobtrusive and do not receive much attention to enjoy the limelight, as well as further increasing the chances for female Diet members to participate.

  • (2) Creating a Party that is Transparent and Open to the People

    In order to listen to opinions from those directly involved and from the people, I will establish a Policy Research Committee so that Diet members can engage in free and open debate, while sustaining the unified policy decision-making process between ruling party and administration. I will administer the party in a democratic, transparent and totally fair manner, ensuring that selections of Cabinet members and party officials are undertaken by choosing people whose talents fit their post, as well as making party rules clear, such as by making the party窶冱 budgetary procedures open to the public.

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