

1. 性別、居住地域、民族のいかんに関らず、私たちはアフガニスタンの人々を支援する。

2. 子どもたちがより良い未来と平和な社会を享受できるように、国の復興・再建・発展のためにアフガニスタンの人々が行う努力を支援する。

3. 困難と貧困の解消に努力するアフガニスタンの人々とともに活動する。

4. アフガニスタンのコミュニティーのすべての人々、男女、子ども、高齢者、障害をもつ人々が意思決定に参加し、アフガニスタン女性の自立が実現することを求める。

5. アフガニスタンに人権と社会正義を根づかせるために努力している人々に関心を持ち、支援していく。

6. アフガニスタンの人々が、再び力を合わせて民主的な社会をつくることを支援する。

7. 絶望的な状況にあって大きな助けを必要としているアフガニスタンの人々への支援を、これからも続けていく。

The Conference for Supporting Afghanistan Women
November 27, 2002

Not even one year has passed since the international community agreed to provide humanitarian assistance and post-conflict rehabilitation support to the people of Afghanistan. This enthusiasm has been diminishing and the concern of the world has moved onto the Middle East, Iraqi, and the DPR Korea, leaving the Afghan people in the same or even worse suffering as before.
The Conference for Supporting Afghanistan Women appeals to recall and prioritize support for Afghanistan, particularly support for those women and children who have been suffering and struggling for decades.

1. We support the Afghan people, men and women, wherever they are, whoever they are, regardless of their ethnicity.

2. We promote the Afghan effort in rehabilitating, reconstructing and developing their country, to secure a better future and a peaceful society for their children.

3. We work together with the Afghan people in their efforts to eliminate their suffering and poverty in Afghanistan.

4. We urge the Afghan communities, men, women, children, elderly and disabled to participate in the decision-making process and implementation of the attainment of self-reliance of women.

5. We support and are concerned for those who dedicate themselves to the progress and establishment of human rights and social justice in Afghanistan.

6. We support Afghan people reuniting their communities in order to build a democratic society.

7. We continue providing assistance to the Afghan people in desperate need.