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小沢代表インタビュー 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ、ウェブサイト 6月1日付掲載 

Question: Will you run for party leadership in September?


FT訳:I don’t know yet. I will follow what all the other people [in the party] think. We haven’t even decided the date yet.


FT訳:It really depends on what other people think. My aim is not necessarily to become a party head nor prime minister myself. As long as there is someone else that can take up the leadership and win in the election, it does not have to be me.


FT訳:My only goal is that today’s opposition party takes over the ruling position and that a genuine parliamentary democracy takes root in Japan. That is my only and ultimate goal.


FT訳:If I happen to be the party head and if we do win the election then I shall have to be prime minister. As I said, actually becoming PM in itself does not hold so much attraction for me.

Q: When general election?


FT訳::Within this year, probably.

Q: Could it be postponed?


FT訳:Even if the LDP postpones, there’s nothing for them to gain. It will only get worse for them.


FT訳:The LDP has so far tried to maintain itself in power just by rotating the head of the party. They have put in people they think will be popular, and like a pendulum they have been swaying from left to right.


FT訳:But the government today is no longer viable, so whoever become the head of the LDP will not be able to change the current situation. Nor will they be able to change the LDP.

Q: Political realignment?


FT訳:The media are now talking about that kind of political realignment. But I would say that that kind of realignment would not occur. And, even if it did, it would not be so influential to cause a major change of the situation.


FT訳:The opposition party will take over power, which means the LDP will collapse and dissolve. Only after that, will the reorganisation occur.


FT訳:The LDP retains a very strong Japanese character. I am not saying that a conservative party like the LDP is totally unnecessary. I am saying that they have to be dissolved because they are already so corrupt and rotten with the power that they have held on to for so long. Once we dissolve the LDP, then I expect we can find the next generation who can create a new LDP.


FT訳:Even if DPJ becomes ruling party, we should also change ourselves. It is incumbent on us to change, change what is unnecessary, strengthen what needs to be strengthened. That is the sort of realignment I envisage. Then we will be able to see a genuine parliamentary democracy emerging.

Q: Is Japanese politics behind the times?


FT訳:Yes, it’s behind.


FT訳:When we talk about democracy here, it does not have necessarily to be exactly the same as western democracy.


FT訳:However, with a parliamentary democracy, there should be the potential for different political parties to take over the administration, there should be healthy discussion because of that.


FT訳:There is still a long way for Japan to go in that respect.

Q: Is DPJ not divided, same as LDP?


FT訳:I have heard that kind of criticism. But it is only natural; if you have 10 people they will each have a different way of thinking. But there is a fundamental different way of thinking between the two parties. Bottom line is: DPJ is far more coherent in where it stands.


FT訳:I have explained and explained and explained but the domestic journalists seem not to understand. Either they lack understanding or they haven’t studied enough. There’s a fundamental difference, which they do not understand.


FT訳:The LDP is based on a traditional Japanese way of consensus-building. And behind them lies a strong bureaucracy. That is wrong. That’s what I am saying. That is not viable. That is why all these problems have erupted. What we need is real participation of the citizens in political matters, and the politicians have to represent the Japanese population as closely as possible. The Japanese politics needs to change as such.

Q: Your reaction to sending the ASDF to China and the state of Sino-Japanese relations?


FT訳: It’s a natural disaster, so there should be no problem whatever we do (upon requests). It’s a problem if we’re going to engage in a war in Afghanistan or Iraq.


FT訳:Sino-Japanese relations are extremely important. I have mentioned this idea whenever the opportunity arises. What was behind the Chinese reality has erupted in the form of a natural disaster, which was an earthquake. There is magma not only in the ground, but also in Chinese politics.


FT訳:In China, they call it a socialistic market economy, of course there was the great leap forward during the Mao Tse Dung era, then came the Cultural Revolution, and then the opening to reforms, that was correct. After the dictatorship by the Chinese communist party, there were two blades on one sword, both pros and cons.


FT訳:There was not only magma in the earth, but also the entire Chinese society was bursting with magma. It might sound like a queer coincidence, but what might have erupted in the political or social arena has shown itself in the form of a natural disaster. I can’t help thinking in that way.


FT訳:The Chinese communist dictatorship will become incompatible with a capitalist market economy and you will have to change or you will not be able to carry on your administration. I am always saying that to the Chinese leadership. But I do understand how difficult it is. Once you enjoy your power, how difficult it is to give it up. The same is true in Japan.


FT訳:We must change to remain the same. That is my favourite motto.


FT訳:I have always emphasised the importance of relations between our two countries, as a politician and as an individual I have worked very hard for the bilateral relationship. They understand that, so whatever I say they take it warmly.

Q: Japan on world stage under Ozawa PM?


FT訳: First, in the economic and politics and social arena, everything in Japan has to be fundamentally changed. Otherwise, we will not be able to play the role that is expected of Japan in the global community.


FT訳:Based on the assumption that we become mature enough to play a role in the global community, I am always calling for co-existence.


FT訳:I do believe that Japanese people do have the potential and capability to disseminate this philosophy of co-existence to the world; co-existence with nature and with other countries and peoples based on Buddhist principles.


FT訳:I want to pursue this kind of theme. But maybe this is a dream because I think I have grown too old.

Q: What has Koizumi been up to and could he spoil your plans?


FT訳:I do not know what Koizumi is thinking. But he is no fool. The mass media say he wants to become the top again, but I don’t think that is the case.


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