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4. Abolish business regulations in principle, and stimulate competition under fair-trading rules. Manifesto

Free competition under fair-trading rules will in itself infuse vigour into the economy.

The DPJ will entrust to the market what the market does best, making a bold shift to a market-based society in which the power of the private sector can readily manifest itself.

Also, looking into the future, over the medium to long term we will strive to create the foundation on which to increase both human vitality and industrial competitiveness.

Eliminate in principle the regulation of business, creating a society that will give full play to corporate effort and entrepreneurial motivation

We will remove bureaucratic regulations that stifle the display of the entrepreneurial spirit. In particular, we will in principle do away with the business regulations that limit fields of activity to individual industries and impede participation by new entrants. We will switch this to a framework in which competition stimulates vitality and brings it to the fore.

Institute fair market rules, enabling competition to generate vitality

We will correct vague and opaque commercial practices and unfair business transactions, with the aim of establishing an economy in which fair market rules are adhered to. To that end we will drastically revise the Antimonopoly Act, and strengthen the powers of the Fair Trade Commission.

Support to nurture leading manufacturing industries

Japan's industrial superiority still lies in manufacturing, particularly in the sphere of assembly and processing technologies. We will increase that superiority still further and assure competitiveness, at the same time contributing to the building of a horizontal international division of labour encompassing Asia and other regions. We will put in place a tax system and other measures to accelerate R&D in these fields, and also address human-resource development.

Nurture new businesses and create employment

The invigoration of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which form the broad support base of Japanese industry, is the most important issue that faces us today. In order to support diverse start-up ventures to take on the challenge of new growth fields, and to assist highly motivated SMEs, the DPJ will establish creditworthy banks. In addition, in such spheres as personnel development, the enhancement of technical capabilities, and management know-how, we will implement priority comprehensive measures to assist entrepreneurs.

Aim to create a nation built on intellectual property rights, to strengthen competitiveness and technical capabilities

To enhance international competitiveness and promote science and technology, we will make the application of the Intellectual Property Basic Law more specific, for example for the purposes of strengthening the capacity to deal with intellectual property disputes and educating experts in intellectual property rights. We will also make strategic moves in such directions as promoting government-industry-academia collaboration and priority investment in R&D, and enhancing technology licensing organizations (TLOs).

The DPJ's Eight Pledges for Creating a Free and Fair Society
1.Giving everyone peace of mind Pension
2.Vitality from the grass roots  the regions
3.Creating dynamic agriculture  Agriculture
4.Entrusting to the market what it does best  Economy
5.Helping people to take on challenges  Society
6.Responsibility to the future  Education
7.A stance based on will縲?縲?Diplomacy
8.Straighten up politics  Politics
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