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7. To establish diplomacy characterised by independence and equality, and based on international cooperation. Manifesto

Japan has hitherto been called a "faceless country".

This is the result of maintaining a passive diplomatic posture towards the world, based on a foreign policy constantly devoid of strength of will.

The DPJ will change this negative stance, transforming Japan into an internationally oriented nation with a clear diplomatic will.

We will maintain positive diplomacy in which we act in concert with other countries and actively address the resolution of problems, making Japan a country in which the world can have confidence.

Give importance to international cooperation, and strengthen the functions of the United Nations

We will attach importance to international cooperation, and from that standpoint will participate vigorously in activities being undertaken by the United Nations. We will address the reform of the United Nations, and with the backing of domestic public opinion and support from other member countries, will seek to make Japan a permanent member of the Security Council. Japan will participate more positively in peace-building activities under UN auspices, and will study the specifics of the configuration of a possible UN standby force.

Build a relationship with the United States based on independence and equality

As regards Japan-US relations we will do away with the dependent relationship in which Japan ultimately has no alternative but to act in accordance with US wishes, replacing it with a mature alliance based on independence and equality. So that Japan's international cooperation can coexist with the Japan-US alliance, we will be tenacious in the approaches we make to the US government. Our goal will be to have a deep and meaningful relationship with the United States not only in the sphere of national security, but also in the political, economic, and cultural spheres. We will also pursue discussions for the revision of the Status of Forces Agreement and on such subjects as the reduction of US bases in Okinawa.

Make Japan truly an integral part of Asia

We will build comprehensive regional cooperative relations in East Asia. We will strengthen collaboration in a variety of forms, including by concluding free trade agreements, implementing environmental and crime-fighting measures, and cooperating in regional security, fulfilling our role and responsibilities as "a member of Asia". In addition, we will show strong leadership in moving towards the creation of a "Northeast Asian Forum", by building greater confidence among the nations concerned, and for assuring progress in dialogue on the subject of national security.

Rebuild the defence structure to enable Japan to deal with new threats

We will establish a new defence structure to enable Japan to deal flexibly with diverse new threats, such as from missiles, terrorism, guerrillas, cyber attacks, and incursions by suspicious vessels and armed infiltrators. The budget necessary for this will be compiled efficiently and effectively, including by making allocations from the existing defence budget.

Conduct environmental diplomacy with the world

We will engage in environmental diplomacy, taking the lead in addressing such problems as global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. In parallel with this we will work in cooperation with other nations to seek the resolutions of issues affecting human security, including poverty, the violation of human rights, drugs, and infectious diseases.

The DPJ's Eight Pledges for Creating a Free and Fair Society
1.Giving everyone peace of mind Pension
2.Vitality from the grass roots  the regions
3.Creating dynamic agriculture  Agriculture
4.Entrusting to the market what it does best  Economy
5.Helping people to take on challenges  Society
6.Responsibility to the future  Education
7.A stance based on will縲?縲?Diplomacy
8.Straighten up politics  Politics
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