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Toward Realization of Enlightened National Interest JAPANESE

Full document -Index-
  1. Japan and the World Ten Years From Now
  2. Developing a Peaceful and Prosperous Asia
    1. Building an East Asian Community
    2. Toward Regional Cooperation including Security Cooperation
    3. Institutionalization of Dialogue with China
    4. Toward a Stable Korean Peninsula
  3. Evolving the Japan-U.S. Relationship
    1. Rebuilding Defense Capability
    2. Strengthening Strategic Dialogue Capability
    3. Strengthening Japan-U.S. Cooperation in the Defense of Japan and Stabilization of the Asian-Pacific region
    4. Consolidation and Reduction of U.S. Bases in Japan and Revision of the Agreement on the Status of U.S. Forces in Japan
    5. Further Deepening of Japan-U.S. Relations
  4. Contributing to World Peace and Stability
    1. Enhancing Sustainable Development
    2. Achieving Stable Peace
    3. Countering Proliferation of WMD and Terrorism
    4. Strengthening International Organizations
  5. Toward Realization of Enlightened National Interest
    1. Founding Soft Power Japan
    2. Strengthening Its Diplomatic Infrastructure
    3. Humility Based on Self-Confidence
May 18, 2005
Katsuya Okada
President, Democratic Party of Japan
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